Click on the date to see each letters patent.
November 24, 1959 | Establishing Saltspring Island Fire Protection District
| W.D Black Provincial Secretary |
December 29, 1960 | Boundaries to include:
| Ray Williston Minister of Lands and Forests E.C. Martin Presiding Member of the Executive Council |
March 15, 1965 | Trustees and the landowner petition to include: Fractional North-east 1.4 of Section 40 South Division… | Ray Williston Minister of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources W.A.C. Bennett Presiding Member of the Executive Council |
November 30, 1972 | Trustees petitioned for amendment – to include among the objects of the District the provision of street-lighting and all things incidental thereto. | R. Williams Minister of Lands, Forest, and Water Resources D. Barrett Presiding Member of the Executive Council |
June 4 1973 | NOTICE – Municipal Act Section 79 8H SSIFPD is deemed to be an improvement district under the Municipal Act | H. D DeBeck Comptroller of Water Rights |
February 12, 1974 | SSIFPD transfer from under the Water Act (Nov. 24, 1959) to the Department of Municipal Affairs (July 9, 1973) Area includes:
| |
January 15, 1981 | Board of Trustees SSIFPD request that the boundaries of the district be extended… | W. VanderZalm Minister of Municipal Affairs Evan Wolfe Provincial Secretary and Minister of Government Services |
March 27, 1985 | ORDER…The entitlement to vote or hold office is limited to those the full age of twenty-one years is amended by deleting “twenty one” and substituting “nineteen.” | BC 615 – Order by Lieutenant-Governor W. R Bennett Presiding Member of Executive Council |
July 29, 1987 | ORDER…that a person must be a British Subject in order to be eligible to vote for or hold office as a trustee, the Letters Patent are amended by striking out the reference to a British Subject and substituting a reference to a Canadian Citizen. | BC 1536 – Order by Lieutenant Governor Rita Johnston Minister of Municipal Affairs |
August 15, 1991 | Boundaries to include: The Northwest Quarter of Section 42, South Saltspring Island, Cowichan District | Provincial Secretary Minister of Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture |
November 30,1993 | ORDER…the entitlement to vote or hold office is limited to those of the full age of nineteen years, is amended by deleting “nineteen” and substituting “eighteen”. | BC 1542 – Order by Lieutenant Governor Minister of Municipal Affairs |
January 20, 1994 | Board of Trustees request the number of Trustees be increased to seven from five. | Minister of Municipal Affairs Attorney General |
June 29, 2000 | Board of Trustee request that the boundaries be extended Firstly – Southwest Quarter of Section 42 Secondly – East Half of Section 38 | Allan McEachern Administrator Attorney General |
March 27, 2006 | Order in Council No. 154 – Letter Patent, in the form attached, be issued for Saltspring Island Fire Protection District. | Ida Chong Minister of Community Services |
January 20, 2010 | Order in Council No. 050 – Improvement District Letters Patent Amendment Regulation | Bill Bennett Minister of Community and Rural Development |
September 16, 2011 | Order in Council No. 444 – The Letters Patent issued on March 27, 2006 for the Salt Spring Island Fire Protection District are amended in section 3 by striking out “and street lighting”. | Shirley Bond Attorney General |
March 21, 2017 | Amend the March 27, 2006 - Letters Patent – Ministerial Order No. M 129 | Peter Fassbender, Minster of Community, Sport and Cultural Development |
September 11, 2020 | Ministerial Order No. M336 | Selina Robinson Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing |
January 12, 2023 | Ministerial Order No. M10 | Anne Kang Minister of Municipal Affairs |